Successfully supporting your critical energy investment decisions and efficient energy operations across planning, forecasting, trading, portfolio optimization and market operations for over 40 years.
Energy Portfolio Management
Whether you’re planning, investing, operating, or trading, we have the information, experts, and tools you need for more effective decision making. Watch the video for a brief overview, then browse the information below, and when you’re ready, you can use the “contact us” form on this page to get in touch. We look forward to showing you what over 500 customers already know – for energy market participants and market operators, success begins with Hitachi Energy.
Make better decisions, faster.
End-to-end solutions for mission-critical investment, regulatory, operating, and trading decisions.
Assess infrastructure investments, from wind and PV site planning and selection – to new power stations or transmission capacity and modeling.
Leverage critical information and systems to support your energy operations, from revenue stream & market trend analysis to forecasting & fleet optimization.
Quickly evaluate new information and take advantage of trading opportunities with emissions accounting and trading, energy and commodity trading, RECs trading and optimization, plus market scheduling and settlement.
Our combination of market intelligence, advisory services and software applications drive profitable decision making for:
Utilities – Developers - Transmission planners - Market operators
Traders - Private enterprises - Regulatory agencies
With more than 40 years of market experience, Hitachi Energy provides everything you need to navigate the energy market with ease for more effective and efficient operations.
Solutions by Use
- Renewables
- Traditional Generation
- Transmission
- Trading and Risk
- Market Analysis
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